At Crestmont Christian Preparatory School, our primary academic goal is to instill confidence in the reliability and accuracy of Scripture through a Christian education with classical influences, Christ-centered education integrating Biblical truth throughout each subject. We develop students’ capacity to communicate verbally and in written form with ordered thoughts in a clear and persuasive manner.
Why Crestmont?

Beginning in the early grades, students are prepared for success with a strong foundation of phonics and writing instruction. By reading and evaluating world-class literature, students are made aware of their literary and intellectual heritage as they are introduced to remarkable artists, masterpieces, mediums, and themes of Western civilization.
Studying history in light of the sovereignty of God, students will also critically examine how different world views have affected the actions and directions of cultural and national development. By training the eyes and hearts of the students to see the hand of God working throughout human history, they are equipped to examine and evaluate the present, applying the lessons learned through historical events.
What Is a University-Model® School?
University-Model® education takes the best aspects of traditional public or private school and the best aspects of homeschooling and blends them into one unique model. UMS (University Model® School) uses a university-style schedule adapted to the elementary, junior, and senior high levels.
Professional faculty conducts central classroom instruction in their area of expertise. Elementary students attend classes on Tuesday and Thursday while secondary students go to school on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students spend satellite days off campus with parents, who continue the instruction and monitor student progress as directed by the classroom teachers.
The parent and faculty roles are defined for each course providing parents with the required level of assistance for their student. Weekly lesson plans and projects are prepared by the UMS® faculty and uploaded online including detailed instructions for parents.
Parents are trained and equipped to deliver instruction faculty collaborate with parents on student achievement goals and strategies whether planning on attending college, trade school, apprenticeship, or the workforce after graduation.
For more information about the University-Model® visit http://umsi.org.

Education with God at the Center

Crestmont Prep students develop an appreciation for the beauty and order of God’s creation through the study of science and math. Students gain confidence in their own relationship with our amazing Creator God, by studying how God reveals Himself in all He has created and by seeing His hand in the diversity, ingenuity, and complexity of our world.
In science classes, students will develop reasoning skills as they apply the scientific method through hands-on experiments and demonstrations. Additionally, students will be trained in logic, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills in the study of math.
Electives are an important part of the education offered at Crestmont Prep, allowing students the opportunity to explore and develop their talents and interests. We provide opportunities to foster creative expression, a vital part of a top-notch education.
Through pursuit of excellence in all areas of academics, students are better equipped to know and effectively proclaim the truth of God to a world in need of light.


Grades K-5th
1st Child $5,600
2nd & 3rd Child $5,040
Middle School
Grades 6th-8th
1st Child $8,100
2nd & 3rd Child $7,290

High School
Grades 9th-12th
1st Child $9,100
2nd & 3rd Child $8,190